Last Updated: Jul 26, 2023     Views: 315

Q. How do I access e-books?

Search for your book (title and author/editor) in the following places:   

  1. Library Search - Select ‘e-books’ or ‘Electronic Books’ before you start searching. 

  2. Senate House Library - You can access Senate House e-resources from home (for free). Register or renew online if you do not have a current Senate House Library account. 

  3. Search engines - Check on Google or another search engine. Try using '.pdf' in your search, but watch out for copyright infringements. 

  4. Free e-book collections, for example, Project Gutenberg. 

If none of these steps give you access, you can do the following: 

  1.  Check Proquest E-book Collection to see if the e-book is available to rent. E-books that are available for rental will be marked as “Available on request”. Click on the title of the e-book. You will see the option to either “read this book” for 5 minutes or “request this book”. We will let you know if your rental has been approved. 
  2. Suggest the book for purchase or email your Subject Librarian
  3. Check out some of our alternative e-resources on the same topic on Library Search or on our Subject Guides.  


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