Last Updated: Sep 06, 2023     Views: 186

Q. What is an ILL?

An Inter-Library Loan or ILL is a service where we can request and borrow materials from another library to loan to our members, such as a book or a periodical article. We will only request materials from another library if we do not have the item at Goldsmiths Library or at Senate House Library and if the request is coursework or research related.

Most of our loans come from the British Library Document Supply Centre.

If you request a periodical article or a book chapter, it will be supplied as a digital file (PDF) where possible and emailed directly to you. PDFs from the British Library will be accessible from the British Library On Demand Service.

If you request a book or physical item, you can usually borrow it for a specified period of time, though occasionally an item might be reference only. This depends on the conditions set by the library we borrow it from.

You will receive an email when the item arrives and it can be collected from the Library Help Desk.

If you wish to renew the item at any time then please contact the inter-library loans department on There is a 50p per day fine for late returns. 

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